Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Video Games: Fattening Up Our Youth

Now I never really was a gamer. That was my brother's thing. He could sit in front of the television and play video games for HOURS. Madden was his favorite. It seemed like every time I walked into the room he was winning another Super Bowl. I kept thinking to myself, "get a freakin life."

Nowadays, video games are being blamed for making all the kids fat. Nobody's going outside to play anymore because all the kids are sitting on their butts playing Grand Theft Auto. Do I agree with that? Yes and no. I do agree that since the advent of things like Playstations and the Wii, kids really don't want to go outside very much anymore. I mean, what's the point? Why go outside and run around in the hot sun playing made up games when I can chill in my room and rob people? But on the other hand, parents have got to stop letting video games raise their children.

These days nobody wants to take responsibility for their actions. People say that video games are making kids fat. Last time I checked, there's not a video game out there that reaches out from the screen and physically holds your child down and keeps them from going outside. If your kid is getting fat, make them go outside. Make them take a walk. Why should video game makers be responsible for raising your kid too. What are you doing?

I guess when it all boils down to it, too much of anything can be bad. Video games are no exception. HOWEVER, if your kid plays video games all day, everyday and you don't say anything, please don't try and come after Sony when your kid has diabetes and can't breath. Maybe you should have taken them to the track instead of letting them watch animated characters run around one.

Livin My Life In High Definition
-The 4th

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