Wednesday, November 28, 2007

DO WORDS MATTER: What You Talkin Bout!

Hmmm... Do words matter? I guess that depends on what you mean by the topic. Of course, the journalist in me says yes. I mean... duh.

But anyway, I think that words have more power and influence than people would like to believe. Think about it. When you were back in elementary, middle, high school... maybe even now. You could just be chillin with your friends, crackin on each other, but there were two words that could completely mess that up. "Your mama." Those two words used to spark more fights than I can count.

On the same token, there were some people who were picked on relentlessly in elementary or middle school, and maybe even now. People say hurtful things and they have to just deal with it. Do those words matter? Yes.

You have the illusionists who spout of little nursery rhymes like, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." That's a load of crap. Whoever came up with that should be beaten.


Words make up a major part of everyday life. World wars have been waged, and lives have been changed...with words. So do words matter? Of course they do retard.

See... you felt some kind of way about me calling you a retard. I told you they matter.

Livin My Life In High Definition
-The 4th

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